Friday, 10 August 2012

5 Reasons to Believe The UFO

The experts claimed to find traces of the UFO had stopped at the Earth is a tough thing. However, they noted some of the evidence.

More recently, Leslie Keen investigative journalist, wrote a book titled UFOs: Generals, Pilots and Government Officials Go on the Record. The book was as much as 90-95 percent of UFO sightings are seen by the observer is a recognized phenomenon of worldly objects of weather balloons, ball lightning, aircraft. While ten percent of the sightings that they see is not easy to explain.

However, Keen believes that UFOs are visitors from another world. "This is something that is rational and should be taken into account," says Keen. Here is some strong evidence that suggests the hypothesis that UFO's exist:

1. UFO sightings recorded so far. In fact long before humans into space. UFO sightings first seen in the U.S. in 1639, when Governor of Massachusetts Colony, John Winthrop, noted in his journal that James Everell, a wise man and two other witnesses, saw the object flying up and down the Muddy River near Charlestown for two to three hours.  

These sightings are recorded, then they call this the airship sightings. In the 1800's time period there were also sightings, in 1897 there was a rapidly moving object hovering above the town of Mount Everest and surprising city residents.

2. Found a lot of credible recent sightings by professional observers. In 1955, Edward J. Ruppelt in his book The Report on Unidentified Flying Objects, this book records many instances of many members of the military, military pilots and pilot public, scientists and other professionals who have observed credible UFO.

One of the events, namely the experience of a jet fighter pilot's F-86 U.S. Air Force. He claimed to see a disc-shaped object moving quickly after she blew the top of the object.

3. Over the decades, the witnesses who had seen a UFO sighting shows that all have a common view. Both in terms of shape and other characteristics of the objects they had seen.

4. Found evidence that the physical form of traces of meeting space by foreign aircraft. Reports from the University of Colorado team in 1968, led by James Condon recorded a lot of evidence in nature. As an area of grass and the soil looks to be flat and other vegetation also was flat, burned, and broken

A report from Stanford University astrophysicist Peter Sturrock, who led a scientific study of the physical evidence of UFOs in the late 1990s, describes the plant samples taken from a recognized UFO landing site had occurred in France in 1981.

They found the leaves have undergone chemical changes are not uncommon. This is thought to be caused by a strong microwave radiation. This phenomenon is difficult to explain since there is no trace of radioactivity at the site.

5. Evidence of the psychological effects of the witnesses who have seen UFOs. Sturrock report describes in detail the various symptoms experienced by individuals who had a UFO encounter. Effects of their encounters with UFOs ranging from burns and temporary deafness, until nausea continuously even up to memory loss.

The most obvious example occurs in Betty Cash, Vickie Landrum and Colby Laundrum youngest grandson who reported that there is a large object shaped like a diamond that hovers over the streets of Texas in December 1980. After that all three fell ill.

Cash for example. Her eyes got bigger and blisters, swelling makes her difficult to open. Besides, he also experienced nausea and diarrhea continued. The effect was felt for many years and require hospitalization for more than 12 times.

Sources: National Geographic Channel           

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