Sunday, 12 August 2012

Halley's comet

Halley's comet is a comet visible from earth every 75-76 years. Officially given the name of 1P/Halley, a name commonly given after the name of Edmund Halley.

This comet is the most famous comet of other periodic comets. Although in every century many long-period comets that had appeared in more light and powerful, Halley is the only one with a short-period comets are visible with the naked eye, and therefore a comet is visible to the naked eye is definitely back in the span of human life.

Appearance throughout history has a major influence on human history, although sightings are not recognizable as the same object until the 17th century. Halley's Comet last appeared in the solar system in 1986, and will emerge again in mid-2061.

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